My title
SEARCH ENGINE BLOG SAME AS IT EVER WAS My inbox tells me that there's a bit of confusion out there surrounding me contributing to the v7n marketing blog. To clarify: Searchengineblog will continue, same as always. I am being paid to write at v7n. I am always open to paid writing gigs on search and marketing, although finding any more time might be a challenge. I have not sold my soul to the devil, any more so than anyone who works with clients. Thanks for the support :)
Views: 453 | Added by: administrator | Date: 2016-07-23

"Welcome to Google Checkout -- a new service that makes online shopping faster, more convenient and more secure" proclaims Googles' new payment system. But what else will Google checkout do? It will drive up the cost of Adwords, for one thing. Not necessarily for sellers using Google Checkout, because they will get a discount in the form of lower transaction costs, meaning, in theory, they can bid higher for their ads. The sellers who aren't using Google Checkout won't "qualify" for the "discount". It will also give Google valuable sales tracking data. From the merchants. And from buyers. It may also make Yahoo & MSNs offerings more attractive, because they won't have the same price pressure. Google Checkout is not so much a PayPal killer. It's bigger than that. More of a vehicle to drive and control the sales process ... Read more »
Views: 518 | Added by: administrator | Date: 2016-07-23

I have a saying I just made up: "all open apps will eventually turn into DMOZ" Ok, that's a bit rubbish, but it's happening to Digg. And Wikipedia. The lunatics invade, the system breaks, authoritarianism replaces democracy. Eventually, your founding mission statement becomes rather comic. Sad, but inevitable, unless the system adapts and grows stronger.
Views: 523 | Added by: administrator | Date: 2016-07-23